Showing 1 - 10 of 10 Results
Diagnostic Samples: From the Patient to the Laboratory: The Impact of Preanalytical Variable... by Guder, Walter G., Narayanan... ISBN: 9783527323074 List Price: $79.95
Samples From the Patient to the Laoratory The Impact of Preanalytical Variables on the Qual... by Guder, Walter G., Narayanan... ISBN: 9783527309818 List Price: $95.00
Molekularbiologische Methoden in der Diagnostik by Lang, Hermann, Guder, Walte... ISBN: 9783540509660 List Price: $69.95
Samples: from the Patient to the Laboratory : The impact of preanalytical variabled on the q... by Guder, Walter G., Narayanan... ISBN: 9783928865326 List Price: $32.50
Clinical Samples - From the Patient to the Laboratory : The Impact of Preanalytical Variable... by Guder, Walter G., Narayanan... ISBN: 9783527612505 List Price: $95.00
Das Laborbuch: F?r Klinik Und Praxis by Guder, Walter G., Nolte, J?... ISBN: 9783437597152